What is a Chamber of Commerce?

At the February Annual Dinner and Meeting, there was an infographic on each of the tables that was a visual representation answering this very question.

Just as a tree needs certain things to grow, so does your business.

Passive energy comes from sunshine. How a plant uses that energy is key to its growth. A business needs to take resources such as marketing research and venture capital and utilize them in ways to benefit the individual business.

Roots are needed to draw up nutrients and water from the soil. Depending on the mineral composition, a tree adapts as needed. Your business uses your past experiences and history differently than another person’s business. Your business needs to adapt to the current environment to grow.

A tree’s trunk gives it strength and structure. Without a strong trunk that reaches up to the sun and is held solidly by its roots, it will topple over in the first wind storm. Likewise, belonging to a strong chamber of commerce can give your business structure and strength in numbers, making it easier to withstand troubles and difficulties.

Branches are extensions of the trunk. A chamber offers services such as networking opportunities or political action committees that can be important to the broad growth of your business.

The branches are where leaves are connected to the tree structure. They convert passive sunshine to usable energy, just as your employees and the community can do for your business. Being connected to other entrepreneurs can give you a boost of inspiration.

When everything is working together, a tree produces fruit. A business that operates similarly will produce fruits from your labors—brand awareness, financial prosperity and future leaders are examples.

A Chamber of Commerce is here to grow with your business.

Working for you,

Stacy and Sierra


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