1,000 point club adds third year player

HEM player Shane McGraw gets to milestone in junior year

"Shane went over a 1,000 the other night, so we have two kids that have hit 1,000 points in their career," Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow (HEM) Senior High boys basketball head coach Cliff Jones said. "In the 20 years I have been coaching, we have had maybe three total go over a 1,000 points."

He said that was rare enough, but to have both players hit it in their junior year is exceptional.

The player that hit 1,000 points in the game against Rock River on Feb. 12 was Shane McGraw. The other player to hit a 1,000 a few weeks before was his twin brother, Conor.

"It is a testament to the fact that they came in as freshmen and started from day one and have been consistent," Jones said. "Conor might be more consistent on numbers, with him averaging about 13-15, but Shane can have one night where he will hit 25-30 one night and the next night 10, but on those nights he balances it out with more rebounding. If Shane isn't scoring well one night, I just tell him 'I need more rebounds from you' and he does it and those are the nights he pulls down 11 or 12."

Jones said, although he hasn't actually looked at the stats, he figures they have played around 70 games and that equals out to 13-15 points a game.

"Since they started as freshmen, it means they have averaged as double figure players from day one," Jones said. "They started with another freshman, Brendon Reeves, and all three have school records they want to break. Shane actually is going for the rebound school record while Brendon is going for assists."

Shane said, although he is going for the rebound record, when Conor hit the 1,000 point milestone, he was aware of being about 100 points behind his brother.

"So I knew it was just a matter of time if I kept scoring, and it was really cool when I hit it, but truthfully it wasn't something I was focused on," Shane said. "I just like to play the game and win."

He attributes his athletic ability to his father and grandfather.

"They are really super athletic and excelled in sports and they have really good work ethics and they taught us by example," Shane said.

He said hitting 1,000 points in his junior year is something that happened because it has always been about helping the team.

"Maybe Conor and I hit 20 points or maybe we don't, but then we rebound because it is all about whatever helps the team and it isn't about the record," Shane said.

He said the rebound record is still on his radar.

"I like rebounding," Shane said. "You can get beat up sometimes, but I like the challenge it is in basketball, to me it is fun."

Shane joked that although his twin hit the 1,000 point mark before him, he can still beat Conor one-on-one.

"Playing pick up games with friends at the rec center all year round helps both Conor and I get better," Shane said. "It is about playing and improving where you can."

Jones is obviously proud of what his juniors have accomplished.

"It is nice when your players who do something like this are your hardest workers," Jones concluded. "It shows the younger kids that, when you work hard in practice and do the extra drills, good things will happen. Work ethic goes a long ways."


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