Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
VSO blood drive set for Tuesday
The annual blood drive sponsored by the Valley Service Organization (VSO) is slated for Tuesday, Jan. 15 at the Platte Valley Community Center.
The drive will be held in the center’s Great Hall from noon to 5:30 p.m. in conjunction with Vitalant (formerly United Blood Services).
Appointments are now being taken through phone calls from VSO committee members or online at, according to Roxie Baldwin, chairman for the project.
“Once you’re at the website you can just follow the prompts to make your appointment,” she said. Drop-ins will also be accepted during the hours of the drive. Persons wishing to donate may also call Baldwin at 307-326-8545 or Carol Sherrod at 307-326-5937.
Donors need to bring a photo ID to their appointment and a list of any prescriptions they are taking and travel information, plus their blood donor card if they have one. If they have completed a Fast Track Health History that day, they need to bring their Fast Track Ticket as well.
Completing the health history questionnaire online at the day of the appointment can save up to 20 minutes in the length of time necessary for the donation, she said. Access to a printer at the time the questionnaire is taken is necessary to obtain the Fast Track Ticket.
Donors are advised to drink plenty of fluids (juice,water or sports drink) the day before and day of the drive and eat a good meal within four hours of the donation.
Students 16 or 17 years of age may donate, but they must have a signed permission slip from their parents in order to do so.
Literature from Vitalant explains the importance of blood donations: “From surgery to fighting cancer to giving birth, blood donations are used to save around 12,000 lives a day. A lot of the medical care we take for granted wouldn’t exist without blood donations.”
The Vitalant network provides blood and special services to patients in more than 1,000 hospitals across 40 states.
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