Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

New year, new business recruitment

The last building block in the Economic Development Tiers is “New Business Recruitment”. This gets people really excited when they think about community and economic development.

“All of our problems would be solved if we just had a business relocate here and hire 125 people.”

“If we had more retail shopping, we could keep people from leaving town.”

“We just need to get someone to build a new motel.”

These myths have haunted community leaders for decades. In reality, growth comes from within a community.

Instead, we need to create an environment that is supportive of entrepreneurs and props up local investment. We need to help start-ups to succeed.

The largest and most unique asset our communities have are our people. Do we recognize this? Educational opportunities, innovation and competitive wages show the importance of our employees.

When will the younger generation be ready to take the reins? When the older folks give them over!

Research shows that young people who have fond memories of their hometowns are more likely to get involved and return to that town when they’re ready to settle down and raise their own families. A strong quality of life and sense of place contribute much more to economic growth than a new company that moves here from someplace else and has no loyalty, nostalgia or pride in community.

Sure, there is a time and place for that new company, motel or store. But it is not a silver bullet—and we know this by looking at other struggling communities. A national brand closes its store in a community 3-4 times our population. The new motel cannot pay their housekeepers decent wages since their occupancy rate was lower than projected. When the next town over offers more incentives, a company packs up and leaves.

Its not all gloom-and-doom though! Saratoga, Encampment, Riverside and Ryan Park are real gemstones in a field of rubble. When we all recognize this and act accordingly, others will notice as well.

Working for you,

Stacy and Sierra


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