Fishing with donuts

HART plans Christmas party with activities including donut eating on a fishing line, cookie and cupcake decorating

Hanna Agricultural Resource Team (HART) met at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 27 at the Hanna Market to discuss the Christmas party the group will be sponsoring from 2-4 p.m. on Dec. 22. The event will happen at the Hanna Market.

Rose Dabbs, a past chairman and member of HART, said that Santa Claus was going to be there and most of the party will be focused on the children that attend.

She said there will be decorating contests on cookies and cupcakes.

A suggested game was the donut game.

“We have a donut on the end of a line on a fishing pole and the person has to try and eat the donut,” Dabbs said. She assured the members attending the meeting it was an event from previous Christmas parties HART has sponsored where kids and adults had fun.

Linda Goodrich, HART member, suggested that the group go into a hibernation period during the winter.

Perry Goodrich, chairman of HART, agreed that it would be a good idea for the group to wait to meet again until March or April.

He said, although the group might hold off meeting until closer to spring, he wanted to get in contact with the new Hanna mayor Lois Buchanan to see where the group could help beautify the town once winter ebbs.

“I think there is opportunity to make Hanna more attractive with our group working closely with the new council and mayor,” P. Goodrich said. “I also think during our break, we can approach the schools and see if there are ways we can work with them and students.”

L. Goodrich said there are students in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) in northern Carbon County that have done well.

“We should reach out to these FFA members and students that want to learn about agriculture in the coming months,” L. Goodrich said.

Although HART is taking a short break before meeting again, the members at the gathering on Nov. 27 were excited about the spring to come. The members said they want to reach out to the community and get opinions on how the group can make the town more beautiful, in addition to bringing more people to the community garden.


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