Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Chamber, partners get east county students involved in learning different careers
The last economic development block in the third layer is ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT. This is similar to the adjacent block, Existing Business Development, but focuses on start-ups, new ventures and development of innovative products and services.
At one time or another, most of us would have been considered an entrepreneur--your first lemonade stand, babysitting or mowing lawns. The skills you learn when you are young stay with you your entire life: time management, customer service, financial planning, imagination and problem solving to name a few.
For the past several years, the chamber partnered with Saratoga Middle School’s eighth grade class for “Job Shadow Day.” It has now evolved to include eighth graders from Hanna-Elk Mountain-Medicine Bow and Encampment! The name was changed to BUSINESS CAREER DAY a few years ago. We also collaborate with the Platte Valley Legacy Foundation and their job interview competition, invited speakers, held job fairs and business expos.
Students visit several local businesses and learn what the goals are, how the owner grew the business, what he looks for in employees and what passion led him on this path. The kids get to see behind the scenes and sometime even get hands-on. It is obvious that these young people are already thinking about their futures, and BCD is one way to help them focus their thoughts. Save the date of March 15 and watch for ways to get involved.
Entrepreneurs are grown, nurtured and guided by parents, teachers and business leaders. If we want our next employee to be job and career ready, we need to get involved now, while they are young and interested in what life has to offer. Let’s show our youth that being an entrepreneur is one of the most challenging endeavors they will take on, but also the most satisfying accomplishment!
Working for you,
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