Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Helping Hands provide meal

23rd Annual Thanksgiving meal update

Staff Report

Due to miscommunications with organizers there were a few errors in announcing the upcoming Platte Valley Helping Hands (PVHH) Thanksgiving Dinner. Fortunately the Saratoga Sun can get you the correct information before the event.

The traditional meal with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, ham, sweet potatoes, cranberries, relishes, peas, rolls and pumpkin pie will be served between 12:30 and 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 22 at St. Ann’s Parish Hall in Saratoga.

The 23rd annual meal will be prepared by PVHH volunteers and the Hotel Wolf will be donating the turkeys this year.

PVHH, a Wyoming non-profit corporation serving the sick and suffering in the Valley, invites everyone to the free Thanksgiving meal.

Home deliveries in the Saratoga area can be made to this who are unable to come to dinner. If you would like a home delivery please call Marilyn Verplancke at 307-326-8190 or Dinner Chairman Deborah D’Amico at 307-326-3717 by today, Wednesday, Nov. 21.


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