Netting big cats and pronghorns

Saratoga Lady Panthers go two for three in games against North Park, Cokeville and Farson-Eden

The Saratoga Lady Panthers suffered their first conference loss of the season against their counterparts from Cokeville (8-25, 18-25, 14-25), but were victorious against the North Park Lady Wildcats (25-14, 24-26, 25-19, 17-25, 15-10) on Tuesday, Sept. 11 and another conference rival, the Farson-Eden Lady Pronghorns (17-25, 25-16, 25-18, 25-22), on Saturday.

"I was proud of the girls' performance this past week," said Shayley Love, head coach of the Lady Panthers. "With Homecoming, sometimes it can be a long and tiring week, but they did a pretty good job of maintaining their composure. The No...


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