Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

King Coal gets permit

Celebration gets open container permit, pool nears readiness, sewer rate change ordinance passes second reading

The Hanna Town Council met at 6 p.m. on June 12 for a public hearing on the open container permit for King Coal Days Celebration. The permit was approved and the event will run from July 20-22.

The public discussion finished and business as usual with the approval of the agenda, approval of the April 16 minutes special meeting and May 8 regular meeting minutes.

Larry Korkow, public works director said they had fixed a pipe that fed water to the Hanna Recreation Center. He said once all the water was in to fill the recreation center’s pool, the newly-installed pump would be started. Korkow gave the council different prices of trucks he had researched.

Craig Kopaz, Engineering Associates said the work on pipes on Jefferson had started. He said there were some fittings that had to be put on the pipes when they got to them. The same situation also happened when they dug on Fourth Street. He said parts had been ordered and they would be installed in the next few days. Kopaz said as the work continues, there would be weekly meetings at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays and invited the board to come.

Jeff Neimark, Hanna Marshall, said the new speed sign was working and he thanked the mayor and Sinclair for all their help. He said that the Nugget Bar had been broken into for the second time in recent weeks and the alleged thief was apprehended. He said a tip from the public had helped in the apprehension. Neimark said a law enforcement vehicle had been shot, leaving a dent, sometime between June 1-2. An investigation is ongoing.

Vivian Gonzales said the pool was coming close to being open, but she still had to wait for the inspector to get the new license. She also said there will a flea market at the Recreation Center on June 22.

Matt Cox, of the South Central Wyoming Emergency Services, said the Hanna station was doing a good job of handling the calls, but due to personnel taking vacations, Elk Mountain station was helping take calls. He said the board was still going over what impact funds might be needed from the wind project of TB Flatts. He said the next board meeting would be 6 p.m. on June 19 at Elk Mountain Fire Station.

Michael Zediker was approved as a Housing Board member.

Pam Paulson, museum board member, told the council the antique firetruck had been pushed into the new building by public works.

After the board and department reports were approved, the council approved the financials.

Ordinance 2018-378, the budget for fiscal year 2018-2019 was approved for its second reading.

The open container permit for King Coal Days Celebration was approved. The schedule for King Coal Days Celebration on the days July 20-22 was approved. Resolution 2018-487 issuing an open container waiver permit to allow open containers in certain areas within the Town of Hanna was approved.

Hanna resident Rose Dabbs had her fowl permit approved.

Ordinance 2018-379 was approved on its first reading. The ordinance is amending section 13.08.30 on sewer rates and penalties and section 8.04.100 landfill fees and penalties.

In items from the public, Dale Brawley, resident of Hanna, asked about ordinances enforcing removing junk.

Mayor Tony Poulos said the procedure was to fill out a nuisance form at town hall and the marshal would investigate.

“There is not one nuisance form that is filled out that we don’t investigate and treat fairly with the other citizens,” Neimark said. “If you have any questions, I will help you, but there is a process.”

Brawley thanked the mayor for his time and the mayor thanked Brawley for his participation.

Jon Ostling, Hanna resident and candidate for mayor, said he noticed waste from animals in some parks and suggested possibly of using fencing.

The mayor thanked him for his suggestion.

The next scheduled Hanna Town Council meeting is 6 p.m. on July 10 at the Hanna Town Hall.


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