Lady Panthers drop two in tough weekend

Youth, loss of leading scorer contributes in losses to Farson-Eden, Cokeville

Saratoga's Lady Panthers hosted the Farson-Eden Lady Pronghorns and Cokeville's Lady Panthers over the weekend. Adjusting to the recent loss of their top scorer, Aubrey Berger, the young Lady Panthers struggled against the visiting teams.

Friday, the Lady Pronghorns began their game against Saratoga with full court defense that cut off clear passing lanes resulting in a 6-point lead early in the game. Heather Bartlett, head coach of the Saratoga Lady Panthers, called a quick timeout. After regrouping, the Lady Panthers quickly closed the lead to trail Farson-Eden by 2 points.

Both teams found themselves struggling with turnovers as the Lady Panthers and the Lady Pronghorns increased their defense. Going into the half, Farson-Eden would lead Saratoga by 10 points with a score of 13-23.

After the half, the Lady Pronghorns continued outpacing the Lady Panthers. The 3rd quarter saw Farson-Eden continue their lead with a score of 19-35. In the final quarter of the game, the Lady Panthers scored another 6 points while the Lady Pronghorns scored another 10 points.

Makiya Johnson led the Panthers in scoring against Farson-Eden with 7 points, followed by Tasia Daley with 5 points, and Savanna Wells with 4. Johnson was also had the most rebound with 10 while Mycheala Jackman, Jenna Dew, and Tiffany Bauer followed with five rebounds.

Cokeville's Lady Panthers drew first blood on Saturday, but Saratoga managed to tie the game 5-5 early in the first quarter. Cokeville then proceeded to take control of the court.

The battle of the Lady Panthers saw a Cokeville 23 point run against Saratoga that didn't stop until late the 2nd quarter. Going into halftime, Saratoga trailed 7-23.

During the second half of the game, Cokeville displayed a suffocating perimeter and superior passing. The visiting Lady Panthers scored another 18 points to Saratoga's 8.

Taylor Bennett led the Lady Panthers with 8 points, following by Jackman with 4 and Shiann Baker with 2. Bauer, again proving she's not afraid to jump into the fray, had eight. rebounds with Daley following with four rebounds and Jackman and Baker with three.

The Lady Panther's double losses put them at 0-3 for conference and 3-8 for the season.

Saratoga will next host Kaycee's Lady Bucs at 1 p.m. on Jan. 20.


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