Encampment to look for CCVC rep, approves employees and liquor licenses

Encampment Town Council met Thursday and was informed by Jim McKinney, Encampment’s Carbon County Visitors Council (CCVC) representative, his term was ending and the town needed to find a replacement. The town also approved renewals of Chez Booze and D’s Bar and Grill liquor licenses.

McKinney explained his reason for departing the CCVC.

“It is because of the bylaws I have to leave after two consecutive terms and I think it important we get someone representing Encampment,” said McKinney. He told of the CCVC possibly setting up a tier system for grants which meant funds would be based on how large a draw of visitors was to an events.

“This would not effect Woodchoppers, but it might the Winter Carnival,” McKinney said. “It hasn’t passed yet, but I wanted you to be aware.”

Debbie Cunningham was granted a donation by the town for the preschool in Encampment.

The 2016/2017 budget amendment second reading was approved as was the second reading of the 2017/2018 budget.

Two returning seasonal employees were approved along with their pay scale.

More upcoming summer business was approved. Camping in public areas for specified events was supported and advertising for the August 5 community yard sale to garner interest was backed. The Recreational Vehicle park is reported ready.

The fire department building will have public works take a look the roof to see if they can find where six leaks are coming from.

Public notification of the cemetery cleanup for the week of May 22 was endorsed as was Wyoming Association Municipalities/Joint Powers Insurance Coverage (WAM/JPIC) Blue Cross/Blue Shield renewal. The town approved advertising for Letters of Interest in Planning Commission seats for three-year terms beginning July 1.

The town decided to keep North Park Propane Service because it is the same deal as last year.

The Lions Club malt beverage permit on June 17 and 18 for the 57th Annual Woodchopper Jamboree and Rodeo was authorized and Chez Booze Inc and D’s Bar and Grill Inc liquor license were renewed. The Title 9.08 Alcoholic Beverages amendment concerning license distribution was approved on first reading. Hours of operation were a key concern which need to be decided before the title takes effect on July 1.

The council approved up to $1,000 for ammunition and uniform costs for the police department and the music instrument park was officially dubbed Harmony Park.

On the matter of part time town clerk position, the council went into executive session.

The next scheduled Encampment Town Council meeting will be 7 p.m. June 8 at the Encampment Town Hall.


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