Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Hanna hones hunting

Hunter Education program taught, shed area opening announced

Ryan Kenneda and Jordan Winter, both Senior Game Wardens, taught a six day hunter's education program at the Hanna Senior Center. There were 28 online registrants but people adding the class in person got the number of attendees close to 40. Kenneda said this was one of the best turnouts he had taught. The youngest attendee was seven years old.

The classes taught on the weekdays started at 6 p.m. and concluded at 8 p.m. The Saturday class started at 8 a.m. and concluded before noon.

The first class went over hunter responsibility, ethics and heritage. It also went over Wyoming Game and Fish (WGF) laws and regulations.

The teachers taught using life situation stories and a manual which was used to help with the exam at the end of the course.

Debbie Dancik, a student and Postmaster of Hanna said. "The guys are great. The stories are interesting, sometime funny and you want to pay attention."

The second class did a review of past info and then focused on firearms, going over safety and function. The third class went over Wildlife management and identification.

During the second classKenneda pointed out the Wagonhound rest area would be opening May 16 at midnight until November 15 for hunters looking for antlers.

"Don't go any earlier. You are going to get in trouble," he said.

The fourth class had the wardens teach field care of game meat, along with field considerations of marksmanship, technique and skills.

The next class went over outdoor survival and what the wardens felt the students should know about bears and mountain lions.

The last day concluded with introduction to muzzle loading and archery. After the introductions, the exam was given along with field evaluations.

"I am so glad I took this course," said Dancik.


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