Ag Expo educates Carbon County students

The 24th annual Ag Expo at the Carbon County fairgrounds on April 27 had 177 students participate.

Carbon County Stock Growers and Carbon County Extension sponsored the 24th annual Ag Expo for Carbon County fourth graders.

The event was a collection of presentations at 16 stations. Each presentation was designed to last a little over ten minutes, with most having the students getting actively involved.

The topics varied from learning about welding and branding on ranches to roping stationary wooden calves.

Judy Raymond, of Carbon County Stock Growers, was pleased with the children's interest and participation at the event.

"There are many different job occupations that are involved in agriculture with getting food to the table, whether it is vegetable or meat. It takes welders, veterinarians, quality control people and someone working the conservation district to make the whole system work."

Raymond hopes the students take away an understanding and appreciation for all the occupations it takes to bring food to the table, and learn from the "soil babies" presentation–an opportunity to grow their own vegetables after they leave.

"Ideally, I would like this exercise to get them interested in planting their own seeds and making their own gardens, whether it is a small patch in their yard or a community plot," said Raymond. "If they get interested in agriculture enough, they will get interested in growing their own food."

The many smiles on the students faces made Raymond's last wish that the Ag Expo would be fun for the children a reality.


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