Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
There are a large percentage of people in this area that do for others—with no desire to be recognized for it.
That is indeed a very laudable attitude and should be commended on its own.
You may have noticed the Saratoga Sun has been lucky enough to be able to bring you a few of these stories.
They are good articles that especially need to be told during what are, at least, not the best of times.
One of these stories was on area cattlemen who learned of fellow ranchers in Kansas who had lost their entire herd, their houses and much more to the devastating fires which recently occurred there.
Upon finding out about this need, our cattlemen gave a part of their livelihood so others might regain theirs.
We feel these stories need to be told.
Another story we had the privilege to write was about the Medicine Bow Food truck and the benefit it brings to the community.
These stories are hard to write though.
It was not hard in that it was difficult to describe these events.
Stories with empathy in them are easy to get into for most writers. We feel pride in being able to bring them to you.
The hard part is that the people involved do not want to be identified.
They don’t want credit and were never seeking publicity of any kind.
The nun who helps with the food truck did not want to be quoted. She politely stepped out of any photos we took.
The ranchers who put together an impressive package of cattle and transportation (not to mention their time and effort), made it clear they did not have any desire to be identified or quoted.
It took a little cajoling to get the second party to agree to be in the paper at all.
But it was worth it.
They were good stories and we hope you agree.
Stories like these remind us, even now when politics and other social issues have divided people like never before, compassion is still alive and well—and sometimes the worst events or situations are the things that bring us together.
So, keep it up ... but let us know.
A story about your selfless actions might just brighten a whole other group of people’s lives or inspire others to do good themselves.
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