Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Fair-weather fun

Encampment council pays bills, approves water line funds then turns eyes to summer venues and events

The Town of Encampment council met in an 18-minute town council meeting, which was dominated by planning for fair-weather fun.

The board quickly disposed of routine business like approving minutes and approving the bills and financial statements. The town also agreed to spend $600 on materials to improve service lines for residents in town. The residents complained of low water pressure and a bad taste in the water likely caused by the old galvanized pipe used in that area, Katrina Nuhn, a worker for the town of Encampment told council members.

A new line would be installed to serve the residents which would solve those problems, Nuhn said. The council voted unanimously to spend $600 on the improvements.

Turning to the upcoming warm season, Town clerk Doreen Harvey said it was time to submit grants for summer activities. Harvey said the town could ask for $10,654 to cover utilities in the parks and opera house, wages and help pay for entertainment for music in the park. Another option, Harvey said, would be to write the grant to outfit Harmony Park with equipment which would cost more.

Harvey said in her opinion, the first option would offer the most value added to residents since the expenses covered by that grant would help pay for a wider variety of activities.

The council voted to have Harvey submit the grant for $10,654.

After reports from other managers in the town and going through correspondence, members adjourned the meeting after 18 minutes.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Encampment Town Council is scheduled for 7 p.m. March 9 at Encampment Town Hall.


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