Letters to the Editor

Hot Pool challenge

We have all heard of the “Seven Wonders of the World,” in fact there are at least four lists of what those wonders are, with all of them being different. I would like to add the Hot Pool to any one of those lists. You see I can’t think of many wonders such as we have in Saratoga that is open twenty-four hours a day and free of charge.

Although the Hot Pool is maintained by the town it belongs to all of us. It is something we should be proud to have and treat it like it is our own. I would like to issue a challenge to the citizens of Saratoga. When you are at the Hot Pool and someone walks off leaving their trash behind politely remind them to throw it away. No matter where you are sitting there are trash cans less than 25 yards away.

Those of you that smoke I respect the fact that you have the right to smoke (although you aren’t supposed to smoke in the pool area) but those of us that don’t smoke have the right not to see cigarette butts laying all over the pool area both inside and out of the walls. I am asking you to respect not only the people around you but the facilities and grounds as well by throwing your cigarette butts away. There is an ash tray by the south entrance of the pool as well as two out in the parking lot on either side of the swimming pool building, plus to trash cans one on each side of the Hot Pool.

Thank You

John Zeiger


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