Serving the Platte Valley since 1888


You may have noticed that the first paper of this new volume of the Saratoga Sun is slightly shorter than previous editions.

That’s because we have changed printers.

We now print out of Cheyenne and the change in size is due to what the different presses can accommodate.

Before anything else is said, we would like to thank the Casper Star Tribune for their excellent service. They went out of their way on several occasions to point out errors we had made in the files we sent them. We value our business relationship with them and are happy to part ways amicably.

Our switch to Cheyenne serves as a benefit to us, and to you, our valued readers and there were several factors that weighed in the decision to change printers.

First, we got a little better deal on the printing cost. In business, it usually all comes down to numbers.

Second, the color quality offered on Cheyenne’s newer presses should be an improvement.

Third, Cheyenne is able to get the paper to us earlier Wednesday morning which means we can get it to the Post Office earlier. A plus for all of us.

There are other benefits also. Cheyenne has given us back the ability to do double trucks. If you don’t know, a double truck is when a layout prints across two whole pages. We were unable to do this printing with Casper.

Additionally, Cheyenne gives us some flexibility when it comes to holidays that fall on Monday. This means better coverage of holiday events for you, our readers, as we won’t have to rush through covering our outstanding community to get the paper to press.

We will be sure to inform you when and if deadlines change due to holidays.

Unless otherwise notified though, our deadlines remain Monday at noon.

It our hope you enjoy our new size and continue to enjoy the Sun.


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