Keeping busy at Saratoga Care

Saratoga Care Center

The facility’s Activity program provided fun and laughter throughout the week. On Sunday afternoon, four residents played Dominoes with Truth Karstoft winning.

On Monday afternoon, five residents played Yahtzee with Pat Rust winning.

On Tuesday morning, residents played Uno with Jake Mickelsen, our Social Services Director, with Pat Rust winning.

On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, residents played Bingo. Jeannie Carpenter, Pat Rust, Carol Higby and Kenny Hoagland won Four Corners. Kenny Hoagland won Blackout both days. Bingo volunteers were Lila Worden, Gloria Rakness and Dawna Erickson.

On Thursday morning, four residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning.

On Saturday afternoon, residents played Blackjack.

For exercise, residents did Wii Bowling on Sunday and Saturday mornings and Sittercise on Monday and Friday mornings.

Residents enjoyed the commercial-free movie channel in the evening. On Tuesday afternoon, residents watched “Secondhand Lions,” and had popcorn.

On Sunday, Ken Kruesal of the Encampment Presbyterian Church led church. Becky Kreusal played religious music.

On Wednesday, six residents had their hair done, and 16 residents had their fingernails done by Georgia Schroer and Janice Kerpan.

On Thursday afternoon, residents helped Sarah Irby, a Certified Nursing Assistant who is helping out in activities, do a project in Arts and Crafts.

On Friday at supper, Teense Willford sang and played country music on his guitar.

Saturday afternoon, residents enjoyed the Ice Cream Social.

We are in need of small stuffed animals and other prizes for Bingo.

We wish to thank the Rebekkahs, Bill Baker, Donna Wells, the Taylors, Bridge Street Bargains, the Catholic Ladies and the Platte Valley Legacy Foundation for their Bingo donations.

We greatly appreciate our volunteers. Anyone wanting to become a volunteer, contact Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at the facility.


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