Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Restitution, deer killers, 'Togie ranked No. 1

Reflections from the files of the Saratoga Sun

100 years ago

Jan. 27, 1916

Killed calf

The following this week was received from H. D. Blydenburgh, of the Jack Creek Land and Cattle Co., which contains some very unusual information:

We have just had an experience that we do not believe has ever happened to any other stockman in this valley.

A short time ago we received a letter from a former resident of the valley, asking if we were owners of cattle bearing a certain brand, that ranged on Jack creek, twenty six years ago. We answered him that we were, and that we still used that brand on our cattle and sheep.

You can imagine our surprise when we received the following letter from him by return mail.

“Many years ago I killed and ate a young calf on Jack creek, branded with your brand. I did not need to do this as I had stock of my own I could have killed, so the act was that of a thief. I have tried my whole life to be square, I now wish to make restitution. Please find enclosed bank draft for $100.00 which I hope you will consider makes everything straight.”

75 years ago

Jan. 30, 1941

Coyotes are killing many deer between Big Creek and State Line

A recent inspection of the North Platte river area from the Colorado line to the mouth of Big Creek, approximately 20 miles, has revealed that coyotes have recently killed 42 deer, according to a bulletin from the office of Adolph S. Hamm, District Agent, Division of Predator and Rodent Control, at Cheyenne. This area is in the center of the early winter deer range and it seems quite evident that the coyotes consider deer as a major item of their diet, the report said. A major portion of the kills were fawn, but large does and two-point bucks were also found. There was very little snow found in the area except on the northern slopes and the deer were reported to be in good condition.

50 years ago

Jan. 27, 1966

Laramie architect hired to design Encampment Museum building

Elliot Hitchcock of Laramie, architect, has been retained by the Grand Encampment museum board of directors to prepare preliminary plans for the “Doc” Culleton building and the entire museum complex, according to Mrs. Bert Oldman, board chairman Mr. Elliot met with the board Friday. Mrs. Oldman said construction will start in the spring.

25 years ago

Jan. 30, 1991

Togie Panthers ranked number one in state 2A hoop polls

The Saratoga Panthers moved up to the number one spot in the class 2A state boys basketball rankings last week.

Head Coach Mike Nerland said, “It feels nice. It’s the first time we’ve been ranked number one in a long time … and the first time since I’ve been here.”

The Panthers were tied for third place with Big Piney the week before in the AP poll while Wyoming Indian was ranked number one in the 2A division.

Saratoga’s victory over Wyoming Indian was the second time the Panthers had knocked off a number one ranked team. Big Piney was ranked number one before they arrived in Saratoga to lose to a tough Panther squad.

The Panthers moved up to tie with Big Piney after defeating them and moved to the number one spot in the state after defeating Wyoming Indian.


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