Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Saratoga Care Center
The facility’s Activity program is based on residents’ interest and allows residents to achieve a greater level of self-esteem. It provides for continuing contact with the community because of the many volunteers that assist residents in activities.
Games provided fun and laughter throughout the week.
On Sunday afternoon, five residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning.
On Monday afternoon, four residents played Yahtzee with Doc Alexander winning.
On Tuesday morning, four residents played Uno with Elaine Burge winning. Our Social Services Director, Jake Michelsen, led the game.
On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, residents played Bingo. Kenny Hoagland, Pat Rust and Elaine Burge won Four Corners. Kenny Hoagland, Barbara Reed and Kenny Hoagland won Blackouts in Bingo. Volunteers at Bingo were Lila Worden and Gloria Rakness.
On Thursday morning, five residents played Dominoes again with Pat Rust winning.
On Thursday afternoon, five residents played Blackjack with John Collamer winning.
On Saturday afternoon, residents played Blackjack again.
Residents enjoyed the no-commercial Turner Classic Movies channel with movies in the evening. On Tuesday afternoon, residents watched the VCR movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and had popcorn.
On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Scott Stinson of the Alliance Church led church. Terry Hicks gave the sermon, and Joe Gaspari led the hymn singing. Doris Davis played Christmas music on her key board.
On Monday, three residents had sloppy joes for Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center.
On Wednesday morning, four residents had their hair done, and 10 residents had their fingernails done by Georgia Schroer and Janice Kerpan.
On Friday morning at breakfast, Barbara Plummer read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-14 to residents in the dining room. After breakfast, resident opened Christmas presents. Santa left many, many presents under the Christmas tree. Cheri Butterfield, Elaine Burge’s daughter, helped pass out the presents with staff. Residents enjoyed a great Christmas meal at noon that our Dietary Department prepared, consisting of ham, twice baked potato, creamed peas, roll and banana cream pie.
We wish to thank Ron and Mary Ann Garver for the kind financial donation for resident Christmas presents. Also, we wish to thank Jane Johnston, our Speech Therapist, for the Christmas decorations for the tables in our dining room.
We greatly appreciate the continued support of our volunteers throughout the week. Anyone wanting to become a volunteer, please contact Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at the facility.
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