Center needs help moving furniture

Saratoga Senior Center

There were six here for bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Betty Dean, Madaline Forbes, and Carl Kerbs. Sue Howe and Madaline Forbes shared a $2 round and also Betty Dean and Madaline Forbes shared a $2 round. Madaline Forbes won the $4 blackout.

There were only four people for bridge Monday. High winner was Gertrude Herold. Second high went to Bob Johnson.

LIEAP forms are being mailed. When you get yours I will be happy to help you fill it out. If you do not get a form we can print one.

We had our birthday anniversary dinner on Friday. Those having birthdays and anniversaries are Frances Kirby, Betty Vyvey, Norm Bennett, Ruth Brock, Marie Huntley, Iva Craig, Frank McVey, Nellie Talbert,Vern Wagner, Janet Zahn, Judy Hodges, Homer Beach and Bill Ward. Anniversaries this month are Ed and Susan Howe, Pete and Myrtle Roybal, Dick and Marty Perue and John and Sonja Collamer. Frances won the birthday tree. Then she split it with Betty so they were both winners. Teense Willford took time out of his busy schedule to come entertain us. Thank you so much Teense, we do love you.

We will be having a breakfast on Wednesday before Christmas from 8-10 a.m. Home delivered will be sent out at 9 a.m. that day. If you need extra meals for the three-day weekend let us know.

We want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of Dave Starr. Dave passed away after a battle with an illness they could not figure out. We all will miss him. The Valley will not be the same.

We will be getting a new floor installed here in our center some weekend in January. So if there are any able-bodied men that could come and help us move all the furniture out we would appreciate it. They will be starting on Friday and hopefully they can have it all done by Sunday. So we will need help on Friday and Sunday both. Call me at 326-5564 if you would be able to help.


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