Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Presbyterians install new minister

The Rev. Steven R. Niccolls was recently installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Saratoga.

Conducting the ceremony Sunday afternoon, Nov. 29, at the sanctuary were officials of the Presbytery of Wyoming and local church elders.

In August, the Saratoga Presbyterian Church called Pastor Niccolls of the California Bay area to be its pastor and he conducted his first worship service Nov. 1.

Following his ordination at his home church in Richmond, Calif., Sunday, Nov. 22, Pastor Niccolls and his wife Emily returned to Saratoga and moved into the manse on the west bench of town.

Joe Norris, commissioned ruling elder and moderator of the Presbytery of Wyoming, presented opening comments and the call to worship, with the unison prayer of confession, benediction and charge to the congregation delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stephen Shive, General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Wyoming, from Casper.

The Rev. Robert Garrard, retired minister from Cheyenne and visiting pastor while the local church was without a minister, delivered the sermon entitled "People of the Cloth."

Questions of installation to Pastor Niccolls were asked by Elder Norris, with questions to the congregation delivered by Saratoga Presbyterian Church Elder Norma Fuller who also teamed with Elder Ken Collamer to deliver symbols of ministry.

Special guests attending the installation were Pastor Niccolls wife Emily, his parents Bob and LaVonne Niccolls of Boise, Ida., and his friends from his hometown of Richmond, Calif., Jerry and Terrie Hammer.

A reception and carry-in dinner followed in the Fellowship Hall.

Pastor Niccolls will conduct Sunday morning worship services at 9:30 in the Saratoga Presbyterian Church located at the corner of Bridge and Third streets.


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