At the Senior Center

Saratoga Senior Center

There were eight here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Lila Worden, Grace Johnston, Sue Howe, Carl Kerbs, Marjorie Uhling and Berneil McCord. Carl Kerbs and Marjorie Uhling shared a $2 round. Lila Worden won the $5 black out round.

There were only four people for Bridge Monday. High winner was Gertrude Herold. Second high went to Bob Johnson.

The LIEAP forms are being mailed out. When you get yours I will be happy to help you fill it out. If you do not get a form we can print one off of the internet, so please be watching for your form.

We will be having our Christmas Birthday dinner on Dec. 18. If you are not a regular please be sure and call ahead so we have plenty cooked. Hope to see you all here.

We want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of Bob Herring who passed away this past week. He will be missed by the whole Valley. I do believe everyone around knew Bob. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

We will be having a breakfast on Wednesday before Christmas from 8-10 a.m. Home delivered will be sent out at 9 a.m. that day. If you need extra meals for the three-day weekend be sure to let us know.

I have been gone part of the week so it seems like a short week, and not a lot of news.


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