Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Palm receives FFA's highest degree

Quade Palm received his American Future Farmers of America (FFA) degree at the 88th National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky on Oct. 31, 2015. Quade is the son of Burt and Kay Lynn Palm of Medicine Bow.

Quade was an active member of the Bow River FFA Chapter in Hanna and was the 2014­2015 State FFA President for Wyoming. Quade is currently a sophomore at Casper College where he is studying Ag Business and Animal Science. He plans on returning to the family ranch when he finishes school. Quade's dedication to the FFA and hard work is evident in attaining this honor.

The National FFA Organization maintains minimum requirements for earning the American Degree including academic criteria, community service hours, and time spent developing a Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE). Quade's SAE included working on his family's ranch and showing market steers.

The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their SAEs. Approximately 3,500 American FFA Degrees are handed out each year at the National FFA Convention and Expo. That number represents less than half of one percent of all FFA members, making it one of the organization's highest honors. In addition to their degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key.


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