Hangar discussions continue

The Saratoga Airport Board met for a meeting on Nov. 12, however the change in meeting time had not been properly advertised for adequate public notice under Wyoming open meeting laws.

Though they could not legally conduct business at this meeting—no motions or actions could be made—the board members said that more people had shown up to this particular gathering than they had for many months, and in lieu of an official, called-to-order meeting, the airport board spent the hour in discussion.

Personal items in hangars continue to be a topic of discussion, though board members insisted that despite their enforcement of rules regarding personal items in hangars, they are not under any imminent threat of losing funding. Board member Bobby Chitwood has spoken to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) who has said that personal effects not related to aviation or items that impede aviation activities are not permitted.

The FAA has not made a specific complaint about these items at the Shively Field, but Lance Grubb, chairperson, says that his vote will always be to prevent any run-in with the FAA. Items such as a bookshelf with books and other small items will not be considered an issue with the FAA, Chitwood said.

Some discussion about leases occurred at the Nov. 12 gathering, with Andy Van Tol raising a question about the lease terms. According to the lease statutes, if the lease is not renewed after its 20 year period the town can acquire it. While the board agreed that renewal is definitely possible and the town will not automatically take hangars, the wording needs to appropriately reflect that.

Van Tol brought up the possibility of transferring the lease, which Grubb said has historically happened by vote of the board when the hangar lease is sold.

The new meeting time has not yet been voted on by the Saratoga Airport Board, though they hope to schedule it for the second Thursday of every month.


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