LIEAP applications in

Sagebrush Senior Center

The last week of October. Happy Halloween everyone! Karen Dibbern, Linda York, Arleigh Simmons, Patty Herring, Connie Beckham, Jo Bonnett, Mary Priquet and Dodey Brown have been our Chuckling and Hen Chatter ladies at coffee this week.

We have had some serious Domino playing by Shelia and Joe Remick, Lorraine Knotwell, Dick Blake, Phil Fleming, Bill and Madeline Telfer, Lila Payton, Bob and Lois Thompson and Jack Riddick, with Shelia, Lorraine, Lila, Bob and Jack being the winners this week.

Nancy Lynch, Jo Roberson, Nancy Flohr, Sandy Miller, Lila Walbye and Joan Dowdy have been the busy litt...


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