Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Saratoga Care Center
The facility’s Activity program is based on residents’ interest and allows residents to achieve a greater level of self-esteem. Further, it provides residents with continuing contact with the community because of the many volunteers that assist residents as they enjoy activities at the facility.
Games provided fun and laughter throughout the week. Three residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning. On Monday afternoon,five residents played Yahtzee with Truth Karstoft and Barbara Reed. On Tuesday morning, four residents played Uno with Pat Rust winning. On Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon residents played Bingo. Kenny Hoagland and Pat Rust won Four Corners. Barbara Reed won Blackouts both days. Volunteers were Lila Worden, Gloria Rakness and Dawna Erickson. On Saturday afternoon, residents played Blackjack.
Movies provided entertainment for residents throughout the week and the weekend. In the evening, residents watch the Turner Classic Movies channel, which has no commercials. On Tuesday afternoon, residents watched the VCR movie, “The Last of the Dogmen,” and had popcorn.
For Exercise during the week, residents did Wii Bowling on Sunday and Sittercise on Monday, Thursday and Friday, and Wii Bowling on Saturday.
For Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center, three residents had broccoli/cheese soup and turkey sandwiches on Monday, and three residents had BBQ pork sandwich on Friday.
On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Scott Stinson of the Alliance Church led our church service. Terry Hicks gave the sermon. Doris Davis played traditional religious music on her keyboard.
On Wednesday morning, five residents had their hair done, and 11 residents had their fingernails done by Georgia Schroer and Janice Kerpan.
On Saturday afternoon, residents enjoyed the Ice Cream Social.
We wish to thank the Rebekahs for the very kind donation of quarters for Bingo.
We will be having our annual Fall Carnival on Friday, Oct. 30, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. There will be games galore and a spook house for the kids of the Valley and they get prizes and candy. Money raised from this great event will go towards residents’ Christmas presents.
We greatly appreciate the continued support of our volunteers throughout the week. Anyone wanting to become a volunteer, please contact Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at the facility.
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