Costume contest coming

There were two tables for Duplicate Bridge Monday. High winners were Vivien Campbell and Gertrude Herold. Second high went to Pat Bailey and Mary Sjoden.

We had our advisory council meeting on Wednesday. It was decided we will have a Halloween party at noon on Oct. 31. There will be a best costume award and also a runner-up prize. It is not a requirement to dress up, just fun. Please join us.

The LIEAP forms are being mailed out. When you get yours I will be happy to help you fill it out. If you do not get a form we can print one off of the internet, so watch for your form.

We had Deloris Taylor and Brook Thomas here from the Carbon County Memorial Hospital to talk to the seniors about their bill and the way the new statements are written. They were so nice to talk to. Brook came all the way from Spokane Washington, where the bills are sent from, just to help people understand their bills.

We had a fair turnout for our birthday dinner on Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Leo Yokum, Winnie Allen, Don Goodspeed, Dick Wiant, Norm Heater, Kathy Hennek, Cherri Moore, Delman Stanley, Sheila Johnson, Janet Donelan and Bill Rathbun.

Don Goodspeed won the birthday tree. Teense Willford was here to perform for us again this month. We all enjoyed him very much.

Charleen and Navis Runner stopped in to visit with everyone. Charleen used to live here and figured she would know a lot of people that come to the senior center. We hope they come see us again we all enjoyed seeing them.


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