Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
No SCWEMS amendment yet
The town of Encampment will take $100,000 available through the Special Purpose Tax to pay down two loans.
The town voted to use the $100,000 in a 75/25 split. The drinking water 109 loan, which stands at $229,989.02 according to town clerk Doreen Harvey, will have $75,000 applied to it. The clean water loan, which has a balance of $243,742.82 will be paid down $25,000. Harvey said the town has done very well servicing its loans and is ahead of the payment schedule which is saving the town on interest payments.
The Encampment Town Council has not yet received the South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Service (SCWEMS) Joint Powers Board (JPB) amendment Riverside had at their meeting. Harvey said she will investigate from where a copy of the amendment can be obtained.
Mayor Greg Salisbury noted the amendment should cover ways to become a member of the SCWEMS JPB and prescriptions for what an entity needs to do to leave.
The first public hearing on a new business district amendment will be held during the regular town planning commission meeting on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m.
Harvey said the letter advising for the hearing states, “To proceed with the process to amend Title 17.36 020H from its current statement in the allowed use in the R-1 or R-2 District to any allowed use in the R-1 or R-2 District with the exception of mobile homes which shall be restricted to established mobile home parks. Mobile homes located in the business district as of the date of this title shall be considered legal, non-conforming structures.”
The next regular meeting of the Encampment Town Council will be on Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.
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