Deer are pests

Fences are as unsightly as yard trash, debris and junk cars

Dear Suzie, Mayor Ed, John Winter and Editor, Saratoga Sun:

With a combined 166 years of living experience in many summer and winter recreation/resort type communities and a lifetime of Real Estate ownerships in large and small communities in many States, Ruth and I would like the Town and residents of Saratoga to consider the following information as it relates to this new proposed “Fence ordinance”. Our, and most peoples largest asset, is their homes which sooner or later get sold with the hope of a reasonable return on their investment. Since Town resident Deer are a serious problem to many...


Reader Comments(1)

schnack writes:

You may consider the deer as pests, but I do not. Maybe I will after living here longer (I just moved into town). Seeing them grazing on my front yard my second day at my new home was a wonderful experience that more than makes up for any damage they might do. I love to see them in my yard.