Games, fun and ice cream

Saratoga Care Center

Games provide laughter and socialization during the week. On Sunday afternoon, four residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning. On Monday afternoon, four residents played Yahtzee with Pat Rust and Katherine Beckham winning. On Tuesday morning, residents played Dominoes. On Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoons, residents played Bingo. Pat Rust, Marie Huntley, Elaine Burge, and Nadine Caleb won Four Corners. Pat Sims won Blackout both days. Our volunteers were Lila Worden, Gloria Rakness, Dawna Erickson, Elder Palmer, and Elder Bingham. On Sunday and Saturday, residents played Wii Bowling. On Saturday afternoon, residents played Blackjack.

Movies provided entertainment for residents throughout the week and the weekend. In the evening resident may watch the movies channel. On Tuesday afternoon, residents watched a VCR movie and had popcorn.

For Lunch out at the Saratoga Senior Center, three residents had country fried steak and birthday cake.

On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Scott Stinson of the Saratoga Missionary Alliance Church led our service. Terry Hicks offered the sermon about grumbling and grace. Joe Gaspari led hymn singing.

On Wednesday morning, seven residents had their hair done, and 10 residents had their finger nails done by Georgia Schroer, Merlyn Hoopes, Roger Cook, and Brad Cook.

On Thursday morning, five residents did Walk/Wheel Out. They walked around or were pushed in wheelchairs around Kathy Glode Park, enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

On Thursday afternoon, the Kiwanis hosted our monthly birthday party with ice cream and cake. We celebrated the birthdays of Katherine Beckham and Elaine Burge.

On Saturday afternoon, residents enjoyed the Ice Cream Social.

We are always in need of small stuffed animals and other prizes for Bingo.

We greatly appreciate the continued support of our volunteers throughout the week. Anyone wishing to become a volunteer, please contact Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at the facility.


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