Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Sagebrush Senior Center
School has officially started, please watch out for those children any new drivers of the season.
We had 70 people for our Evening Meal. It was a hoot! I love to see all those faces here. Thanks to everyone for coming!
Our chuckles and coffee group keep chuckling along, attendees included Laura Rettelle, Karen Dibbern, Connie Beckham, Patty Herring, Jo Bonnett, Arleigh Simmons, Linda York, Ellie Behrmann, Mary Priquet, Joan Beckham, Al Schroder, Joan Groff, and Kaylyn Herring.
The Dominoes are still flying with Joe & Shelia Remick, Lorraine Knotwell, Madeline Telfer and Dick Blake. Madeline to...
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