Coffee, games, blood pressure tests and paper towel holders

Wow! That first week of August sure did fly by fast. If any of you get up to the Douglas area, State Fair is underway.

The Ladies of the round table are keeping things in check. Laura Rettelle, Karen Dibbern, Connie Beckham, Patty Herring, Arleigh Simmons, Ellie Behrmann, Jo Bonnett, Nancy Lynch, Linda York, Dian Bauer, Mary Priquet and Dodey Brown can give you the scoop on things.

Those Dedicated Dominoers sure are dedicated, Joe and Shelia Remick, Bill and Madeline Telfer, Jack Riddick, Lorraine Knotwell, Phil Fleming, Dot Severns, Laura Rettelle and Betty Merrill managed to get a game or tw...


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