Cattle in the landfill

Cattle have been getting inside the Saratoga Landfill due, in part, to cattle guards that are not maximized for functionality. Randy Raymer arrived to the Upper Platte Valley Solid Waste Disposal District (Landfill Board) meeting on Aug. 5 with copies of an illustration that shows the pattern of cattle guards and how they could be arranged to protect the landfill. The Bureau of Land Management and Silver Spur Ranch own fences and cattle guards in the area, so the landfill board must work in cooperation with them.

The Landfill Board members approved a motion to cooperate with the town and share the expense of relocating the Pic Pike cattle guard, such that it would be at the gate of the landfill. The board discussed cooperating with Silver Spur Ranch in addition to the town in order to prevent cattle from getting into the landfill.

The fence at the landfill had been cut recently, which the landfill board discussed may have been the result of cattle within the perimeter. The fence has since been repaired.

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program have proposed rule changes to the Solid Waste Rules and Regulations. According to an email from Bob Doctor, Permitting and Corrective Action Manager at the WDEQ, the rules have been streamlined and consolidated. There have been some changes, such as an expansion of the acreage limits for low hazard/low volume and exempt transfer facilities and exempt facilities storing waste for transfer to a recycling facility.

Recycling went up to six loads in July, according to Richard Hodges, of Paperman Recycling, and confirmed by Ron Munson.

The upcoming Wyoming Solid Waste and Recycling Association Annual Conference will be attended by landfill board members. Hodges is hopeful that the landfill board members will be up-to-date on solutions for the increase in recycling.


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