Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Stars installed, postmistress resigns, auto rides & good news

Reprint of this story from the July 21, 1905 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.

Eastern Star Chapter Instituted At Encampment with Large Membership

Grand Matron Martha E. Stickney of Laramie was here last night and instituted the Encampment Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, with a charter membership of eighteen. The Saratoga chapter was here in a body to assist in exemplifying the work.

Officers were elected as follows:

Mrs. W. K. Tilton, Worthy Matron

W. J. Wernli, Worthy Patron

Mrs. A. H. Sterrett, Associate

W.M. Mrs. S. E. Phelps, Secretary

Mrs. T. K. Smith, Treasurer

Mrs. W. J. Wernli, Conductress

Mrs. J. E. Phillips, Associate Con.

Points of Star, Mesdames Sill, Hinton, Drury, Adams and Miss Sterrett

Mrs. B. F. Farmer. Chaplain

W. E. Tilton, Warder

B. F. Farmer, Sentinel

T. R. Smith, Marshal

Mrs. S. H. Knapp, Organist

At the close of the meeting refreshments were served and a delightful social time enjoyed. The following members of Saratoga chapter were present: J. W. Crawford and wife, Mrs. A. J. Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Jensen, Mrs. Gustave Jensen, Alex McPhail, Mrs. C. M. Scribner, Mrs. A. W. Eager, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Devine, Mrs. J. W. Heather, Mrs. J. H. Mullison and Mrs. C. W. Maxfield.

Riverside Postmistress Resigns

Postmistress Mrs. Maude Dayton of the Riverside office has tendered her resignation to the department. She has not heard from Washington and does not know when she will be relieved. There have been no applicants for the appointment yet. The office pays the munificent salary of close to ten dollars per month and there do not seem to be many who seek the acquisition of such sudden riches. The residents of Riverside hope that some one of their number will sacrifice himself on the altar of public duty and accept the honor of being postmaster and thus prevent another abandonment of the office.

An Auto Excursion

A Delightful Evening

Recreation for

Encampment People

Have you taken a ride in the auto? You ought to. An opportunity will now be given you. Mr. H. J. Bollin is inaugurating a series of personally conducted auto excursions for the benefit of those who wish to enjoy the pleasure of riding in the horseless carriage.

The big twelve passenger brake recently purchased is now in perfect condition. It will be at command of parties desiring an evening ride, from this day on, at a nominal fee per hour. Parties of from eight to twelve people can charter the auto for an entire evening at very reasonable rates, or single persons can arrange for as many hours ride as they wish by phoning Mr. Bollin.

Evening automobile rides will be made a popular recreation during the rest of the season. Several beautiful and delightful routes have been laid out and as a usual thing it will be easy to please all who wish to take either long or short rides. Phone central and make your date with Bollin. A thoroughly competent chauffeur will be in charge.

Always Good News

The Rawlins Republican hands us the following very pleasing compliment which we duly appreciate:

“The most interesting exchange that comes to our desk just now is the Encampment Herald, and the reason of it is it always brings good news and the news we have all hoped for these past few years. Colors are bright over Encampment way and the newspaper is of course the means of telling about the encouragement the residents of that section are receiving. A few facts told in a very few lines in the Herald tell great things for the prospects of the season’s run.”


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