Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Saratoga celebrates the Fourth of July: Car Show


Fourth of July 2015 Car Show Winners

Contestant under 21 years of age:

Colton Jones of Saratoga, Wyo.


Gene McDowell of Saratoga, Wyo.

1950 to 1960:

Roger and Tracy Holcomb of Rawlins, Wyo.

1960 to 1970:

Scott Lambert of Saratoga, Wyo.

1970 to 1980:

Heather Wendelboe of Cheyenne, Wyo.

1980 to present:

Dan McGuire of Saratoga, Wyo.

Best Custom:

Gene McDowell of Saratoga, Wyo.

Best Truck:

Greg Cooksey of Saratoga, Wyo.

Best Motorcycle:

Toni Dunham of Riverside, Wyo.

Best Mud Buggy:

Bobby McDowell of Wamsutter, Wyo.

Greatest Distance Traveled to show:

Rick Rogers of Brighton, Mich.

Best in Show:

Roger and Tracy Holcomb of Rawlins, Wyo.


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