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Residents returning home to Saratoga Care Center

Newly-renamed Saratoga Care Center to host Welcome Home barbecue Thursday

Marge McAulay and Barbara Plummer were thrilled to come home Monday afternoon.

Director of Social Services, Brenda Zeiger and Activities Director Tom Mansfield took the trip to Rawlins to pick up the residents.

"I am so glad to be home," Plummer said as she got out of the van.

Saratoga Care Center Administrator Anita Mills was there to greet the residents and welcome them home.

On Friday, Mansfield was excited to have a list of people who were scheduled to start coming in on Monday.

May 27, Gov. Matt Mead made a stop at the nursing home.

Mills is still receiving reports of all who helped during the nursing home crisis. People came and helped residents pack, brought breakfast and provided pizza for the staff. So much was going on, that Mills knows she has missed people and businesses to thank.

She tried to keep a log, but people were coming and going so fast, it was difficult to keep up with.

Now, Mills and her staff are going through and removing anything that says Deseret Health & Rehab. The sign outside has been painted over, folders are having the name Deseret cut off and replaced with Saratoga Care Center.

Mills said Deseret did have good tools in place and she plans to continue to follow some of those procedures.

On Thursday from noon to 2 p.m., Saratoga Care Center will have a Welcome Home barbecue and grand opening. The barbecue will be held at Kathy Glode Park.

With the Saratoga Care Center under new management, Bill Sexton will be able to return to his job with the Department of Health in Evanston. He is the director of the Wyoming State Hospital in Evanston.


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