Freezer fright

There were seven here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Grace Johnston, Lila Worden, and Winnie Allen. Betty Dean and Grace Johnston shared a $2 round. Also Sue Howe and Madaline Forbes shared a $2 round. Grace Johnston and Lila Worden shared the $5 blackout round.

We got in the papers for the tax refund for the elderly and disabled. So you can start coming up and getting the forms or come in and I will help you fill them out. I will be out of the office from June 3-17. So if I can help you get them filled out please come in after June 17 and I will be happy to help.

It was good to have Ruth Brock, Jean Ward, Merle Starr and Merle’s great granddaughter, Addie, here for lunch on Friday. Ruth is moving back here so we will be able to see her more often. They all looked very good. The winter has been good to them.

Thanks to Dan Drummon for coming so quick when our freezer was doing crazy things. There is no other feeling of terror than when you just get your next month’s groceries in and the freezer starts to warm up. It is just sheer panic. We have had to move all the freezer stuff out of here before and move it to the store. Not a happy time.

We had a breakfast Saturday with almost 20 people here. We have to do makeup meals when we are closed for a holiday, and we were closed for Memorial Day.


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