Commencement, mining school gets out, Asian female reporters get look at Valley, Saratoga honors war dead

Reflections from the Saratoga Sun

100 years ago

June 3, 1915

Commencement, 1915

The commencement exercises of the Saratoga High School were held in Jensen hall last Thursday evening, and a crowded house greeted the program. Rev. Newport opened the exercises with a prayer. The class history was very ably delivered by Harry Doggett, after which Miss Loretta Wiant read the class prophecy. The play, which was presented by the graduates, was well put on, and all deserve commendation for their efforts.

The graduates were Florence Peck, Adelaide Newport, Lanora Welsh, Loretta Wiant, George Reynolds and Kelly Dukes.

75 years ago

June 6, 2015

Mining school plans

more field trips

Last week several students and the instructor, E.D. Goldring, of the local mineralogy-mining classes made a 600-mile instructional tour of various Colorado mining camps. The party left early Monday morning and returned the latter part of the week. Camping equipment was carried in order that stops might be made at any point of interest … The first field trip, Mr. Goldring indicated, has excited considerable interest and apparently has aided greatly in the acquisition of first hand geological knowledge by those who took part. A series of these trips, most of them one-day affairs, he said, is being planned for the summer.

Mr. Goldring said that everyone in the vicinity who is even slightly “mineral-minded” is urged to make these excursions.

50 years ago

June 3, 1965

Ten Asian Women

Journalists to Tour

Valley this Weekend

This weekend, ten women journalists from Asian countries will visit Saratoga and other parts of Wyoming as guests of the Saratoga Inn, Cheyenne Newspapers and the U.S. Department of the State.

The women, who come from exotic places like Bankok, Hong Kong, and Taipei, will spend four days in Wyoming. They are expected to arrive in Rawlins tomorrow afternoon and then motor here for a reception at the Saratoga Inn that evening…

Their visit is conducted under the Fulbright-Hayes act. The programming agency responsible for planning the U.S. visit is the Council on Leaders and Specialists …

25 years ago

May 30, 1990

Saratoga honors

America’s war dead at Memorial Day service

Saratoga citizens gathered at the Saratoga Cemetery Monday morning to give tribute to America’s war dead. After an invocation by Father John Murray, Commander Dick Thompson, Angus England Post No. 54 of the American Legion gave a military prayer and Post Chaplain George Pearson gave a brief history of Memorial Day.

Representative of Angus England Unit No. 54, American Legion Auxiliary presented a poppy wreath to Commander Dick Thompson, who placed the wreath on a grave. The Legion Auxiliary had earlier placed small American flags on the graves of American veterans.

The American Legion drill team then gave a gunfire salute to the dead and Laf and Mike Eaton played taps to conclude the ceremony.


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