VSO offers solution

Dear Editor;

In response to Linda Huntley’s letter last week regarding handicap access to the Health Fair Blood Draws, we apologize for any inconvenience that our location may have caused Mrs. Huntley or anyone else. We moved the Health Fair to the Platte Valley Community Center several years ago in order to accommodate more individuals, offering more phlebotomy stations as well as data entry/cashiers, a food area, and health screening areas for blood pressure, bone density, etc. In prior years we were located at the Senior Center which was very crowded and offered only two phlebotomy stations, not to mention interrupting the seniors’ lunch schedule. At the Senior Center we saw a little over 150 people over a two day period. With the location move to the PVCC we average 300 people over two days. This year we saw 323 people in Saratoga. The front entry of the PVCC building would also be very crowded and would not well accommodate these large numbers.

The Health Fair is a very important event in our community and serves many individuals. Wyoming Health Fairs is the managing agency and donates a percentage of the money made at this event to the Valley Service Organization (VSO) alternating every other year with the Encampment Sorority. This year the moneys will go to Encampment. These funds average around $5000 each year and are used by VSO for our many service projects including Winter Wonderland, The Giving Tree, New Years Eve Family Dance, and our scholarship program to name only a few. The Health Fair is put on by all volunteers from the greeters to the phlebotomists!

VSO tries to be very conscious of the needs of the citizens in our community. Service is what we do! In response to this problem, we have purchased a wheelchair and will donate it to the Platte Valley Community Center for use by individuals who may have difficulty physically navigating the Center. Please contact staff or those sponsoring the event at PVCC if you are in need of the wheelchair when attending a function there.

We thank Mrs. Huntley for bringing this issue to our attention and hope the wheelchair assists in alleviating some of the physical access problems at the Platte Valley Community Center.

Sincerely yours,

Sue Jones,


VSO Health Fair


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