Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Town prepares for LiDAR survey

All over the town of Saratoga, manholes are being painted white by the town streets crew in preparation for the LiDAR survey.

Once all of the conditions are perfect for a flyover to do the LiDAR survey, it will be done, Craig Kopasz, with PMPC, reported at the Saratoga Town Council meeting March 17.

A helicopter will fly in from Cheyenne and fly low over the town for the survey. Thirty days after the flyover, the survey will be provided to the town.

The LiDAR survey will be used by the town of Saratoga for updating the flood map for the Federal Emergency Management and the Saratoga Master Plan.

Town engineer Chuck Bartlett told the Saratoga Town Council that street projects will begin the bidding process the first part of May for overlay and petromap in the Swanson subdivision.

Bartlett said the project will take place after the airport project is completed, at the end of July.

Swanson subdivision includes 11th, 12th and 13th Streets from Walnut to Elm Avenues.

Bartlett explained using the overlay and petromat is cheaper than digging up and replacing the streets.

Bartlett told the council that the bridge over the Platte River at First Street will be a one-lane bridge during the month of May while the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) works on the bridge.

Bartlett said he would have more information at the April 21 meeting.

Jonathan Moore, the assistant clerk/treasurer, explained that residents will be able to pay their water bill online. Mayor Ed Glode said the town hopes to have the program, Municipay, up and running by the middle of April.

Currently, the town can take credit cards, but there has not been a way to pay online.

Moore said a convenience fee, not to exceed $3 per transaction, will be charged and residents can pay court fees, recreation fees, water bills and building permits using Municipay.

Glode announced that bids for the Master Plan will be opened April 17 at the Saratoga Town Hall.

The next Saratoga Town Council meeting is at 6 p.m., April 7 at the Saratoga Town Hall.


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