Low income input given

There were eight here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Lila Worden, Carl Kerbs, Madaline Forbes, and Sue Howe. Sue Howe and Lila Worden shared a $2 round. Lila Worden and Madaline Forbes each won a $3 round. Lila Worden won the $5 blackout round.

There were eight here for Duplicate Bridge Monday. First place went to Bob Johnson and Mary Sjoden. Second place went to Sheila Johnson and Sue Howe.

Sheela Scharmetyler was here last week to do a presentation on low income problems here in the valley. She was looking for some input into what we need here to help everyone. There was a lot of good input and now they will compile all their information and see if they can find solutions to their findings.

We had a fair turnout for our St. Patrick birthday dinner Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Sandy Willford, Pete Roybal, John Larsen, Fred Williams, Brian Manley, Fran Payne Rogers, Joan Kunish, Margaret Karstoft, Mary Hammer, and Armond Zahn. Fred Williams won the birthday tree. Teense was here for our entertainment. He is so good to do this for us and we love when he comes. Thank you, Teense.

We heard Merle Starr is back over to the nursing home for therapy. Hopefully she will be home again real soon.

Also we want to wish Deanna Gonzales a speedy recovery. I know all the people she helps here in the Valley wish her well.


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