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Saratoga Master Plan committee seeks RFQ

The Saratoga Master Planning Committee is soliciting proposals for professional services to assist the governing body in updating the town’s Master Plan, according to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) submitted at Wednesday’s Master Plan Committee meeting.

The goal of the process is to develop a Master Plan for the town of Saratoga for the next 20 years.

The RFQ will assist the committee on the updated plan in considering its policy decisions, land use planning, zoning ordinance modifications, budget preparation and capital improvement planning for the future of the town of Saratoga.

Committee members discussed several items on the RFQ which included economic development, existing and future land use, education and schools, law enforcement and tourism. Committee member Randy Raymer felt the town’s law enforcement is nationally certified and is already covered by other entities and that adding law enforcement to the list of things to hire a firm to study was, “coloring outside of the boundaries a little bit,” Raymer said.

It is important for the council to consider which areas to include in the study since they want to, “stay within the budget and the money we already have,” said Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode.

The council ultimately decided to take law enforcement and education off of the master plan study because other agencies oversee their plan for growth, but made sure to add senior and child care to the list of areas that need to be studied for Saratoga’s Master Plan.

The council set the deadline of April 17 for firms to respond to the RFQ.


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