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Cox appointed to JPIC board

Saratoga Town Clerk Suzie Cox was recently appointed to the Joint Power Insurance Committee board. An unexpired term opened and Cox was asked if she would be interested in filling the board position.

Her first meeting is March 26-27. The board oversees a self-insurance pool through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Sixty-five communities belong to the insurance pool, which allows municipalities to get a group discount.

The board is responsible for overseeing the changes and keeping the municipalities informed of those changes.

The board meets at least four times per year, one of the meetings is in conjunction with the Wyoming Association of Municipalities annual meeting.

“It is going to be interesting,” Cox said. The board sets up the tiers and gets the information to the municipalities in time for the annual budget. This first meeting for Cox is crucial because of the timing before municipalities start their budget sessions.

Four members from participating towns and four members from first class cities and the ninth member is an at large member.

The regular term of office is three years and the term Cox is filling is a two-year term.

“This is an opportune time for me to go,” Cox said. She added that it is important that every municipality has a voice.


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