Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Luck of the draw - and Howe

There were nine here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Nadine Kerbs, Berneil McCord, Lila Worden, and Grace Johnston. Berneil McCord, Winnie Allen and Carl Kerbs shared a $3 round. Grace Johnston, Carl Kerbs and Nadine Kerbs shared a $3 round. Grace Johnston and Carl Kerbs shared the $5 blackout round.

There were five here for Duplicate Bridge Monday. First place went to Vivien Campbell. Second place went to Mary Sjoden.

You can tell it is almost spring. Some of the snowbirds are coming back. Armond and Janet Zahn came in last Wednesday. It is good to have them back. We are going to start having our jam sessions soon. It will probably be the first part of April. Some of our people are back already, so be watching for us to start up. It is always so much fun for them to entertain and everyone in the audience enjoys them as well.

We want to welcome Verne Hunt to the group. He has lived here for three years and enjoys Saratoga.

We are starting another poker game this week. We run the game for five weeks. You buy a card every Tuesday for $1 and the one with the best hand at the end of the game wins all the money. I won $78 last time with three twos. I was totally surprised. It is fun to play even if you don’t win. Everyone has a chance. It is the luck of the draw.

We will be having our Advisory Council meeting at 10:30 a.m., March 11. Everyone is welcome to come and sit in on the meeting.


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