Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
There were nine here to play
bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar
winners were Madaline Forbes,
Carl Kerbs, Betty Dean, Nadine
Kerbs, and Grace Johnston.
Berneil McCord and Sue Howe
shared a $2 round. Berneil Mc-
Cord won the $6 blackout round.
There were five here for Duplicate
Bridge Monday First place
went to Sheila Johnson. . Second
place went to Mary Sjoden.
There were 11 people here to
take the 55 Alive driving class
last Wednesday. It really does
save on your insurance. If there
are two drivers in your house
then it will only help if you both
take the class.
We had a good turnout for our birthday dinner Friday. Those
having birthdays this month
are Donna Nordine, Madaline
Forbes, Nadine Caleb, Marty
Perue and Karlene Sjoden Bill
Busey, Sherry Weinert, Joni
Johnson, Frank Jerub, Deanna
Black, Hazel Ballard, and Roxie
Baldwin. Nadine Caleb won the
money on the birthday tree. Teense Willford and Ray Bernal
came and played for our
entertainment. They sang some
love songs for Valentines day.
We enjoyed them very much.
We want to wish Melcine
Craig a speedy recovery. She has
been under the weather.
Also Merle Starr fell and hurt
her neck. She will be having surgery
on March 13. We all want
to wish her the very best, and a
speedy recovery.
We want to send our sincere
sympathy to the family of Ted
Allen. We received word Ted
passed away last week in California.
He will be missed by
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