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Landfill Board prepares for SLIB meeting

Deadlines are fast approaching for the Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (Landfill Board).

When asked how things are progressing, Chairman of the Landfill Board Randy Raymer said, “What we’re going to do is focus on our base estimate to meet the minimum requirements, so we can get the transfer station open and close the landfill.”

Raymer is referring to the fact the Landfill Board along with several others in the state have missed the Jan. 1, 2015 deadline to close their landfills in favor of the new and approved Transfer Stations.

When asked why preparing the project plans and estimates have been such a challenge, Raymer said, “There’s legislation pending that affects our financing to build the transfer station … The maximum we’re going to get is $750,000 including the state grant and loan … that’s 25 percent less than we thought we would be able to get and we still have to match 25 percent of the total cost … So if we end up with a million dollar project, where are we going to get the extra $250,000?”

PMPC Civil Engineer Craig Kopasz showed the progress on the plans and discussed the next steps with the board.

Kopasz is working on fine-tuning the details to get the plan ready for the State Land and Investment Board (SLIB).

The SLIB deadline is Marh 6,” Kopasz said.

(SLIB) has until June to review the application. During that time, reviewers can contact us and ask questions about the project, Kopasz said. “Then on June 4 is the regular SLIB meeting in Cheyenne. That’s when we go sit down with the SLIB board.”

When asked about the estimated total cost of the project, Kopasz said, “The estimate for the transfer station with no alternates is a little over a million dollars.”

That estimate is just for the shell, it does not inlcude alternatives like a truck scale or the asphalt and concrete pad that have ben suggested.

Since most of the funding comes from SLIB, it is imperative the Landfill Board has succes in obtaining the grant.

For the next three weeks, Kopasz said he will be concentrating on getting the application ready to be reviewed by the board and submitted to SLIB.

“That’s why I’m pushing to have our bid done before the SLIB meeting so that we can plead our case before the board,” Raymer said. “Everything we’re doing is working toward the (SLIB) meeting in June.”


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