Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Raise, don't lower educational bar

Letter to the Editor by Byron Barkhurst

To all Carbon County School District #2 Parents,

It’s disappointing to live in a school district where we as parents have to fight for our children’s education. We are blessed in this valley with teachers who are eager and willing to teach. They teach because they want to make a difference in the world. It surely isn’t for the money. But sadly we have a school district that appears to be tying the teacher’s hands behind their backs.

Is this the representation we voted for?

My wife and I fought alongside many other concerned parents and citizens of this community, we fought against lowering the bar and changing the schedule to four days a week. Why? Because, among other reasons, we felt that our country is already falling behind in education. We felt that too much emphasis was being placed on athletics ahead of education. We felt that the proponents of the four day week only had the few in mind and not the betterment of the majority. We felt that the decision to move to four days was only benefiting the high-school-aged students while little doing little for the elementary students, and in fact, causing hardship. We felt that it would increase expenses within the district, for example increased fuel and maintenance costs. We recognized in that time that not all sports calendars included games on Friday, some are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Many of these concerns were later found to be prophetic. Nevertheless, we moved our children to Encampment because they deserve our very best.

As parents of both high school and elementary students of Encampment K-12, we are deeply concerned with the attitude that we as parents of this district will be strong-armed into conforming to the four day school week. To my understanding the school board meetings have not been open for public comment. Instead a committee was formed to make recommendations for a school schedule that would be acceptable to us. Again, many in Encampment saw no need for change. Members of the committee tackled the task with confidence and hope for a resolution that was suitable for the school board. Instead, some of the committee members left feeling discouraged, and again feel that we will be forced unwillingly into conforming to the four day week. We have been given the perception by the board, unintentionally or not, that they will make those decisions for our children without regard for the majority consensus. And while we may not have all of the information, it is important that the board understand that that is the perception they give when not including parents and the public in this decision. Notwithstanding, having left committee members feeling as if their time was in vain.

We humbly and respectfully disapprove of such actions of the board and find it disrespectful, demeaning, and outright arrogant. We expect more from such a quorum, and all of our children in the district deserve to have the bar raised not lowered.


Byron Barkhurst,



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