Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Two town boards lack quorums for January meetings

Water and sewer board needs to fill positions before they can have an official meeting

Both the town of Saratoga, Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board (water and sewer board) and the Saratoga Airport Board did not have sufficient board members available to form a quorum and have official meetings last week.

The water and sewer board lacked a sufficient number of board members last week after three members, Ed Glode, Richard Raymer and Will Faust moved to the town council. This problem was remedied by the appointments of Don Sherrod and Dave Christman made at Tuesday’s town council meeting.

The water and sewer board will meet next at 6 p.m., Feb. 11 in the council chambers of the Saratoga Town Hall.

The next regularly scheduled airport board meeting is 1 p.m., Feb. 11 at town hall.


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