Ready for warmer weather

There were six here to play bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Carl Kerbs and Sue Howe. Sue Howe and Nadine Kerbs shared a $2 round. The $3 blackout winner was Carl Kerbs.

There were six here for bridge this week. First place went to Mary Sjoden. Second place went to Glee Johnson.

We had our birthday dinner Friday. Those having birthdays this month are, J. R. Henslee, Jack Riddick, Joy Hamilton, Grace Johnston, Sue Howe, Truth Karstoft, Donna Zeiger, Merle Starr, Joan Anderson, and Sharalee Busey. Grace Johnston won the birthday tree. Teense Willford and Ray Bernal entertained us. We are always so happy to have them join us. It was fun to see all the people who wore their Hawaiian shirts. I am ready for warmer weather so we put up Hawaiian decorations for January.

We want to wish Berneil McCord a speedy recovery. She has been sick for over a week with the crud. We have delivered to her several times. We miss you up here so get well soon.

We want to send our sympathy to the family of Bob McCarger. Bob passed away last weekend. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Also, we want to send our sympathy to the family of Elsie Hepner. Elsie passed away last weekend. She was in Casper. She moved there quite a few years ago, but she used to be one of our regulars and we really enjoyed delivering to her and getting to see her every day. She was quite a lady.

We want to send our sympathy to the family of Charlotte Kraft. Charlotte passed away this week. Charlotte is the sister of Alice Cornell, and she used to come and join us for dinner every once in a while. We will all miss her very much.

There is so much going on in the Valley I hope everyone is staying busy.


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